Write of Passage Weekly

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[Shiny Dime] Writing Prompt #1

What is a rule you live by, and why? Write of Passage logo transparent-1 The Shiny Dime Challenge A Shiny Dime is a specific and surprising idea. It's the singular focus of a piece of writing. And
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[Shiny Dime] Are You Trying to Say Too Much? 

Week 1: Get ready to learn the most important part of a Shiny Dime: specificity. | Paradoxically, the universal is found in the personal. The best way to reveal macro truths is to write about the micro
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[Shiny Dime] How to Capture Attention in a Crowded World

A Shiny Dime is a specific and surprising idea. And it's a writing concept that will help you capture attention in a crowded world. Write of Passage logo transparent-1 The Shiny Dime Challenge A
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Action Required: Set Up Your Shiny Dime Profile 

To log into Circle, please follow these steps... Hello writers, Welcome to the Write of Passage inner Circle! We're so excited to have you here. Circle is our course and community platform, where
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Obstacles or Stepping Stones?

The journey of writing is not about avoiding failures but transforming them, by understanding their purpose and using them to ascend. View in browser Write of Passage logo transparent-1 Write of
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Workshop Registration Confirmation: How to Build Influence by Writing Online 

Hey writers, You're in! We're confirming your registration for the How to Build Influence by Writing Online workshop with David Perell. Get ready to learn: Why one great piece of writing can
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[Special Offer] Your Bonus Is Inside 

This offer expires on February 23, and there are only 50 spots available. Write of Passage logo transparent-1 Claim Your Bootcamp Bonus Before February 23rd Hey writers, Charlotte here, the Student
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Easy Reading Is Hard Writing

Being a great writer means doing the work to create a seamless and enjoyable experience for your reader. The more intense your creative process is and the more work you put into it for the sake of
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Fear is Your Companion, Not Your Enemy

Instead of trying to avoid fear, embrace it as an indicator of the importance of what you are about to share. Writing honestly and authentically means sharing despite fear. View in browser Write of
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Workshop Registration Confirmation: Test Drive Write of Passage

Hey writers, You're in! We're confirming your registration for the Test Drive Write of Passage workshop with David Perell. This workshop will give you a taste of the Write of Passage Bootcamp.
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Workshop Registration Confirmation: Test Drive Write of Passage

Hey writers, You're in! We're confirming your registration for the Test Drive Write of Passage workshop with David Perell. This workshop will give you a taste of the Write of Passage Bootcamp.
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Epiphanies Come From Waiting

Resist the urge to immediately critique or revise. The subconscious needs time to work, and that period of waiting is when you make the most important connections. Waiting leads to breakthroughs that
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Creative Energy Leaks Faster Than You Think

Don't just capture an idea; explore your idea while you still have the energy for it. Unfold it, unravel it, open every door. View in browser Write of Passage logo transparent-1 Write of Passage
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Four Hours Left...

Missed the deadline to join Write of Passage? You're in luck. Our writing Bootcamp is reopening for four more hours. Now's your chance to come do the best writing of your life. Write of Passage
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Last Day to Join Write of Passage Cohort 12

Doors are closing. If you're ready to do the best writing of your life, we're ready for you. Write of Passage logo transparent-1 Hey writers, This is it — your last day to join Write of Passage
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Where Will You Be in Six Months?

Last chance to enroll — Do you dream of doing work that stirs your soul, becoming a lighthouse for like-minded people, and changing lives with your ideas? No matter where you are in life, writing will
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Find Your Mentor's Mentor

If you wish to be more like someone you respect, look closely at what they read. Your mentor's favorite books and films are the cultural artifacts that have shaped their taste and their perspective
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Words From Our Alumni

At least you know a bot doesn't write our headlines. Write of Passage logo transparent-1 Look, we're normal people, just like you. Sometimes, we send emails before we drink our coffee. After
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Let's Talk Money

Write of Passage is an investment. Sure, the course lasts five weeks. But it pays dividends for life. Enroll today — risk-free — with our 30-day money-back guarantee. Write of Passage logo transparent-
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Two Tips to Out-Write AI 

FOUR DAYS LEFT TO JOIN WRITE OF PASSAGE: Here's how to "make it" as a writer in the age of AI. Write of Passage logo transparent-1 Just four days left to enroll in Write of Passage. We